was a man of many passions, and I'm up here to recall just one
of them: his love for all things French.
I went to college with Rusty, but we didn't really get to know
each other until years later, in France, when he, Alison and
Nat stayed with me in my apartment in Paris one summer. We went
to Versailles; we ate great food; we lit a fire (summers can
be cold in Paris); we discussed the Tour de France and the World
A few months ago I called Rusty and told him I was bringing
over an Edith Piaf CD for him to listen to. And he said, 'Ah,
Jocelyn, je ne regrette rien.'
Rusty loved French pop music, French food, French literature
and of course, the French language. Because of that love, Alison
thought it would be nice to introduce this next, very special
moment of the service
in French.
Alors, je suis tres contente de vous presenter Nat Magee et
son tres bon copain, Luca Guaitolini, qui vont lire ensemble
un extrait de ce merveilleux roman, Le Petit Prince, un livre
qu'Alison et Rusty aimaient
beaucoup lire a Nat quand il etait un petit bebe.
Nat, Luca: The Little Prince, a book that Rusty and Alison loved
reading to Nat when he was a baby.
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